Center for the Arts, 2006-2007

2013 Event Schedule and Information

During your evening at ARTS by George!, you will have the opportunity to see many different performances and exhibits put on by the seven academic disciplines within the College of Visual and Performing Arts.

ARTS by George! Itinerary Overview:

Time Event Location
5:00-7:30 Event Check-in

Silent Auction

Grand Buffet and
Jazz Entertainment

Bars and Restaurant Stations

Student Performances
and Exhibitions

Welcome Tent

de Laski P.A.B.

George’s Tent

de Laski P.A.B.
& Harris Theater

de Laski P.A.B.
& Harris Theater

7:30 Silent Auction and
George’s Tent Close
8:00 Great Performances
at Mason
a special guest artist
Concert Hall
9:30 On Stage Champagne
and Dessert Reception

Payment and Pick-Up
of Silent Auction Items
Concert Hall

Concert Hall